Due to Risk, Mail Order Pharmacy Is NOT Your Next Netflix & Blockbuster

When life-saving medications are shipped by mail, patients lives are at risk. Shipping life-saving medications by mail is unlike any other shipment.

When it comes to mail-order pharmacy, patients with chronic conditions often have to risk their lives to get medications and the care they need. Today, many patients are only offered coverage if they use mail-order pharmacy. Any delay in medication can be a patients life such as in the case of transplant patients like my son or for patients with many other chronic conditions.

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Many cannot pay 100%, so they are forced to mail-order pharmacy for the most life-saving medications. Please click the photo to sign the petition.

HB 2223.

In Virginia, the corporations won the fight to not have to prioritize the lives of the many patients and to continue the risking of lives due to forced mail-order pharmacy. I cannot comprehend or understand how the senators and the regulators across our nation cannot understand the great risk posed to the most vulnerable patients. Medications are lost, stolen, delayed, mishandled, not stored at safe temperatures, and delivered to the wrong address. This is not safe. This is life-threatening. When we receive the medications through the hands of our trusted pharmacist, this risk is eliminated. Why do they not see us as worthy of this option?

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Wesley's Transplant Story & The Fight Against Forced Mail-order Pharmacy

We don't take life for granted. We are thankful to our hero, a 3-year-old little girl. Wesley received a lifesaving liver transplant at the age of 2 after getting the flu. He received a transplant within one week of his first flu symptom. I recall hearing for the first time that he would need a liver transplant. I was walking up to the pediatric intensive care unit where he had just been transferred and observed a doctor/nurse standing outside of my son's room in a white coat holding a clipboard. It was as though she was anxiously waiting to tell us something urgent…

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